Kegla BrewZilla mash 'boil' system for all grain beerbrewing
If you're moving beyond brewing with beer kits, an all-grain vessel may be just the system you need.
The Brewzilla is designed to make beer batches up to 30 litres with a 35 litre total capacity. It is the ideal first step into all-grain brewing and the Gen 4 is competitively priced as an entry point for homebrewers everywhere.
The unit features a complete turnkey system with a delay timing feature and step mash functionality.
The unit features a complete turnkey system with a delay timing feature and step mash functionality.
Here's some key features of the Fermzilla:
Complete Concave Draining Base
The new base design completely drains out every single bit of wort. You will not need to tilt the brewery to extract every last bit of wort. This also makes cleaning super easy
False Bottom Pump Protection Screen
A key feature of all the BrewZilla single vessel unit is the false bottom protection screen. This screen means you can skip doing 'whirlpool' and it filters wort and prevents more than 95% of hops and 'hot break' getting sucked into the pump. This reduces the chance of blocked pump issues that many other units tend to have.
Ultra Low Watt Density
The BrewZilla has significantly lower watt density than other breweries. The main benefit of lower watt densities is that it enables you to produce lighter colours of beers that would otherwise get some caramelisation.
You have less chance of boil overs, and you'll get less crud sticking to the element making cleaning easier.
RAPT notification system
Using wifi (what is not connected to Wifi these days?) the RAPT BrewZilla will also allow you to fully customise your brewday with profiles specifically tuned to your style of brewing or your recipe.
For example, you could set up your profile to receive specific alarms or messages when you are required to do something. E.g. Adding grain when the strike temperature is reached.
Mash-Out Alarm when you’re ready to sparge, Salt / Hop additions when you’ve reached the boil. As well as hop stand additions or chilling instructions.
Improved Base Design with Easy Access Pump
The base design means all the electronics on the underside of the brewery are sealed into a separate junction box. This has allowed the Gen 4 Brewzilla to not require the bottom cover. This design change means that the pump can be accessed much more easily. This design alteration from the original makes it quite easy to take apart the pump for cleaning and maintenance as required.
The inlet for the pump is located in the base of the unit (next to the temperature probe) and allows for the wort to be recirculated from the bottom back to the top of the grain bed which acts as a filter as the wort flows back through it.
Recirculating aids in increasing efficiency in terms of how much sugar is extracted from your grain mash. It helps to regulate water temperature and can also be used to transfer the wort from the BrewZilla to your fermenter. There's also a valve control that allows you to easily regulate the flow of the pump, as well as a dedicated switch at the base of the unit to easily turn the pump on and off.
There are no instructions included in the unit - but they are available online from the KegLand website. The instructions cover how to put everything together, including how to connect the unit to your wifi. Various social media channels and Youtube offer plenty of lessons from real live brewers who love the Kegzilla and want to share their best tips and tricks.
User instructions for Kegzilla
There are no instructions included in the unit - but they are available online from the KegLand website. The instructions cover how to put everything together, including how to connect the unit to your wifi. Various social media channels and Youtube offer plenty of lessons from real live brewers who love the Kegzilla and want to share their best tips and tricks.

The base BrewZilla Geb 4 kit comes with the following;
- BrewZilla main unit including dual heating elements
- built-in recirculation pump and digital display
- Glass lid
- Top Screen
- Malt pipe, handle, bottom mesh screen
- False bottom
- Immersion chiller
- Ball valve tap outlet
- Recirculation pipe with camlock fitting
- Recirculation arm
Reviews of the Kegland BrewZilla:
Reviews for the Kegzilla are genuinely positive, some being quite supportive.
"After reading the reviews of this and comparable breweries, I decided on the Brewzilla 35 Gen 4. What a great choice! I brewed in it for the first time yesterday, and it performed exactly as described. I tried a whirlpool, but although quite adequate for recirculation and transfer, the pump is not really powerful enough. However with the "pump protector" false bottom whirlpooling is not necessary. Almost all of the trub and hops were caught, allowing the kettle to be completely emptied into the fermenter. I certainly recommend this great brewing machine!"
I've brewed 26 batches with the Gen 3 and never had any complaints, other than needing a sight glass. The Gen 4 model has all the improvements I ever thought of and others I never even considered. For the price and features, this system can't be beat.
Can the brewzilla be used as a fermenter drum?
While the unit could be used as your primary fermenter it is designed as a boiler. If you ferment in it the unit will be tied up and you can't brew anymore until you rack it off and give it a good old-fashioned elbow scrub.
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